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Tag: fight talk

Fight Talk – Dan McGowan & Mathias Gallo Cassarino

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In the latest episode of “Fight Talk”, Dan McGowan talks to Italian Muay Thai star Mathias Gallo Cassarino.
As two European fighters who have both lived, trained and fought regularly in Thailand, both Dan and Mathias have many experiences to compare about the challenges of being a foreigner in Thailand and the world of Muay Thai.

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Fight Talk – Dan McGowan v Paulo Da Silva

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Welcome to the 3rd instalment of the ‘Fight Talk’ video series.

This episode sees Dan McGowan chat with ex-opponent and Muay Thai legend Paulo Da Silva, who faced off for the UK’s number 1 spot back in 2014.

With Dan a rising star making a name for himself at just 18 years old and Paulo a veteran of the fight game who was ranked at number 1 for many many years, this talk offers a fascinating insight into the different perspectives each side had going into and coming out of the fight.

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Fight Talk – Dan McGowan v Ryan Sheehan

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Welcome to the first episode in a new series of videos called ‘Fight Talk’ in which Dan McGowan talks to previous opponents about the build up to, during, and after their fights together. We hope these will offer fight fans a fascinating insight into the world of Muay Thai as well as to the minds of the fighters themselves.
In this episode Dan talks to former opponent Ryan Sheehan about their ‘fight of the year’ contender that took place in 2017 for the ICO World Title.

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